1. Cellular Microbiology(ISSN: 1462-5814, IF=3.43, 中科院2区)
IBCC2020 is working with Cellular Microbiology to welcome papers in various fields that focus on “Relationship between microbes and human health & disease”, selected papers that fit well to the journal’s scope will be recommended to submit for this special section.
点击此处查看或下载期刊征稿说明【Cellular Microbiology】征稿说明 IBCC 2020
2. Bioengineered(ISSN: 2165-5979, IF=2.205, 中科院4区)
IBCC focuses on the core theme of “Microbes and health”, welcome the colleagues in various fields of microbiology, biochemistry, molecular biology, human diseases investigation, bio/genetic engineering, bioinformatics, to share their works and ideas for the further development of biotechnology.
点击此处查看或下载期刊征稿说明【Bioengineerd】征稿说明 Special Issue IBCC2020
3. 3Biotech(ISSN: 2190-5738, IF=1.798, 中科院4区)
4. Journal of Food Biochemistry (ISSN: 0145-8884, IF=1.662, 中科院4区)
5. Journal of Basic Microbiology (ISSN: 1521-4028, IF=1.909, 中科院4区)
6. Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology (ISSN: 1389-2010, IF=2.087, 中科院4区)
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版权所有 广东省生物技术产业化促进会
2020中国(广东)生物技术国际合作大会 https://ibcc2020.org/